Frozen horseradish: rub without tears

So far I have always bought horseradish from the glass. By chance I found fresh horseradish on my weekly market. Price cheaper than from the glass, and also without preservatives! But if you rub it fresh, the tears are running! So, if you only need a little, what to do with the "rest"? So I went with it, peeled the radish and divided it into pieces of about 100 g. (The amount I need roughly for a horseradish sauce) Then just frozen.

Today I made Tafelspitz. Of course, this includes a horseradish sauce. So I came in and got my frozen radish out of the TC and rubbed it frozen.

1. It's not the eyes anymore!

2. I found out that I will renounce the "radish radish" in the future, because the natural radish is far better in the taste !!

3. I found the radish today in the supermarket. Tip for those who are not lucky enough to find a weekly market in their area!

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