Leave yeast dough in the fridge

On Saturday I needed yeast dough. Because I knew that Saturday would be stressful, I touched him on Friday and let him go in the fridge overnight.

Everything changed and I did not need the dough. So he kept standing in the fridge and every morning / evening he had gone over the edge of the bowl - as if to ask, "When are you going to do something to me?" I did not know it yet and knelt it together again and again and he looked out of his bowl again.

Today - Tuesday evening - I finally needed it. And he was still wonderful.

I have not had that experience yet. I would imagine that even the cook backcracks u.U have not made this experience yet.

It was only 200 grams of flour and 1/2 cubes of fresh yeast, but yeast dough "in stock" had not happened to me yet.

Refrigerator Bread Dough: knead Today Bake Tomorrow. | April 2024