I stretch tight or squeezing shoes with wet newsprint. The shoes must be stuffed properly tight. The paper dries, the leather continues. Works great. Too strong leather causes blisters, as it is with...
I have retouched older but beautiful handbags. This works well with leather shoes;) You just buy wood stain. Depending on the original color of the leather, it is best to choose a darker shade. You...
I definitely needed woolen white or light beige shoelaces for a few shoes. Unfortunately, I only had white at home and could not leave to get new ones. Then I tried the following: I simply "put"...
The winter seemed almost over, but suddenly there was another load of snow. So I brought out the winter boots again in the evening, only to find that on one boot the sole on the edge has replaced...
Beautiful summer shoes and Hessian feet - my problem always. I have a slightly broad metatarsus and instep. In order not to stretch the whole shoe (with damp paper or shoe tensioners) and also, so as...
Who has not been annoyed by a frayed shoe lace that can not be pulled through the eyelet? Often, after some time of use, the plastic coating on the top is tattered or missing completely and the...
I love ballerinas - but since I always wear stockings, they are not stuck. Obviously, they are made to hold by the "suction" of the bare foot. No wonder that little girls often wear shoes with a...
Now comes the boot time again! Sometimes it is a painful wrenching and choking until you put your boots on. If you do not have a long shoehorn, you can easily manage. Just take a plastic bag, fold it...
Who does not know that: especially in the summer bad smelling sneakers or others. You sweat and the smell is stuck in the shoe. Although there are expensive shoe sprays or fragrance bags, but they...
Warm insoles for the cold winter, you can make from wool felt, great yourself. Before winter really comes and you really switch to wintery shoes, one or the other freezes their feet pretty fast. And...