Move walking and mice out of the garden

Walking rates in the garden had settled last year. Due to the feeding of birds, they fed well on the fallen food. There was also a boy, unfortunately the cell phone photo did not turn out well, as three boys side by side under the bird feeder feeded comfortably in his stomach.

Now we managed to drive out the rats with the combed cat wool. I put whole balls in front of the nest holes, hanging ball of string at floor level between rose branches and other twigs. Everywhere, where I would keep the cat hair beautifully fragrant and not driven away by the wind. After a long observation period, I can say, the walking rates are gone!

Now some say: Can not the cats drive the rats? No, they are too big ...

This is just a tip for not killing rodents. Now they are probably in other gardens of the neighbors;) You also have a right to live.

How to Get Rid of Rats and Mice Guaranteed- 4 Easy Steps | April 2024