Peppermint for acne

I hate acne, especially my own ... I'm definitely no longer a teenager and still have the nasty pus on the chin and cheeks ... It gets worse with stress! And so far I could do what I wanted: NOTHING helped!

I'm going to do my own thing now, and it has helped me. Which does not mean that I guarantee that it always helps!

It takes some time and seeeeeeeeehr sour equipment, but beseten you rub everything before with isopropylene from ...

25 g of dried peppermint leaves
375 ml of distilled water
15 g of curd soap
25 ml peppermint tincture
5 drops of peppermint essential oil

Boil 125 ml of the water and water the leaves with it. And then wait 3 hours!

Grate the curd soap, dissolve in the remaining hot water, allow to simmer for 10 minutes and allow to cool.

Then strain the leaves, add to the soap mass, dissolve the drops in the tincture and pour. Then stir well and pour into a dark bottle. Shake well for the first 2 days from time to time.

Then you can use the stuff quietly!

However, it is not suitable for very sensitive skin, not even for menthol allergy sufferers or for gently trimmed noses (because it smells very strong) - you should not expect a huge foam!

And just to the warning: looking good is not the strength of this peppermint bomb!

GETTING RID OF ACNE SCARS W/ Dr. Bronner’s Products!! | NON-EXPENSIVE | May 2024