Why do we hate so much?

We hate ourselves, we hate other people, we hate different people, we hate lukewarm soup, we hate the queue at the supermarket cashier and much more. Hate is everywhere. You can forget everything around you, hatred makes you immune now. He has bad and good sides.

Hate is a very strong feeling. It is as important as love. Just not so popular. If I hate, I get orientation. If I hate, I set limits. I speak of conscious hatred. An example: In the subway I am often jostled by people, with their backpacks on their backs. I know they can not judge what their backpack does. After the 10th time I hate this attack. Yup! I think up a cool sentence, e.g. ? Please use a rearview mirror for your backpack in the future. It just jostled me.? Of course I would like to jog back. But am I well educated?

Really bad is unconscious hatred. Why? He breaks the hater. I never forget how a woman from Saxony screamed in a television-riddled-eyed interview: The refugees should run away immediately, they have no business in our country, get away with it !? Such hatred is sick. The woman has experienced and forgotten terrible things in her life. But the fear and the powerlessness are still inside her. She needs scapegoats to cope with it. And the refugees are the ideal occasion for that. She does not know any of them personally and hates her from the first day.

Even in TheFruitAndFlowerBasket and in many other internet communities, there is hate. Why is that? Certainly because you do not look, personally do not know and can not get one right on the face. You sit comfortably on the PC and type in a nasty comment or you break a tip with shabby joke-chatting (109 Comments once got someone for his harmless mustard eggs dish, that's malice without end!). You can just start with the hate, this strong feeling. It makes something of you. You are not some boring everyday person, you are special for a short time. That's worth something too.

90% of our actions are controlled by the feeling. Emotions pop out, so they need to be controlled. That is uncomfortable. Only a lot of bad experiences and a lot of open criticism from fellow human beings make (maybe) a pleasant person out of a hateful annoyance. It's hard to change your own behavior. The reason: You think, that's what I am, that's innate, I have to react that way. That is not so. A little bit of change is always possible. And setbacks are normal. Once again a hate attack rises in me and I get loud and angry, that's fine. I forgive myself and think: Next time I'll do it better.

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