Klütje with berry tip (yeast dumpling with pear sauce) original East Frisian

You need:
500g flour
1 egg
40g yeast
1 tbsp lard
a little sugar and some salt
1 / 4l milk

Make a well in the middle of the flour, add the warm milk with the yeast and some sugar and mix. Add the remaining ingredients, mix everything to a smooth dough. Put the dough in (preferably in a bowl) in a warm place. Wrap the risen dumpling in a tea towel and knot it with the lid of the pot and boil the Klütje in a water bath for about 1 hour, after one hour unpack the Klutje and place a plate and cut into strips with a bread knife.

Eat boiled pears with a bit of thickened sauce, as well as delicious or even custard!

Klütje mit Birnenkompott und Vanillesauce | April 2024