Knead dough - very easy

Who likes to knead heavy doughs? Many of them already have a home help that does it very easily. Only: Many simply forgot them.

There are many who like to bake, but just do not feel like making the dough, because this is sometimes very laborious and tedious - real work.

Especially the kneading and rolling of the dough is no longer achievable by many older people. But even younger ones shy away from the dough production for a variety of reasons. And those who live in a small apartment may not even have a really stable and large enough area to knead a dough properly.

The dough can be done in most cases easily and conveniently by a household appliance. But I do not mean the big, heavy-duty, universal food processor, which has to be assembled first and often the dough hooks have to be dug out somewhere - not to mention the complicated cleaning of the bowl, dough hook and dough splashes.

No, I mean a device that many have in the household, but after some applications often more and more forgotten: The bread maker. When rearranging, I noticed that there was also a level in the machine only for kneading dough, which I had not paid attention to earlier - almost all BBA have this level. I, too, had forgotten the BBS more and more, because at some point I just did not like the bread. You may say whatever you want, but the bread from the machine tastes different than the one from the oven.

Now someone will argue that it does not matter if I take the universal food processor or the bread maker. I see it differently, because the bread maker usually already contains kneading bowl and dough hook, does not have to be assembled first, often takes up less space than the huge food processor, the dough is automatically handled in it (you do not have to look for a warm cookie) the time for the additions for certain loaves is remembered by signal ... I take it almost only.

Now I no longer have floury-sticky hands and can do other things while kneading, for example cutting the champignons, artichokes, salami, ham, etc. for the pizza or preparing the additions for raisin, wholegrain, muesli, etc. deliver. Or to prepare the further cake preparation (glazes, castings, ornaments etc.).

The lid of the machine protects against splashes, also you can let the dough go wonderfully in the appropriate heat. And at the end - apart from a baking pan for the oven - only the kneading container and hook to clean, what i.d.R. very easily and quickly done. Lighter at least as a food processor with all the accessories. Anyway, since then I bake myself a lot more often.

How to Knead Dough | May 2024