Leaflets of medication are not always understandable - what to do?

The leaflet of medication can be felt once already 1 km long. Many patients read it, but then questions arise, such as interactions with other drugs, side effects, areas of application, duration of use or even dosing.

I always read the leaflets of my medication, but I've gone over to areas that are not very clear to me because, for For example, foreign words should be used, recorded and discussed with my doctor.

This gives me the assurance that I will not make any revenue mistakes and use the drug in such a way that it can work properly.

Since I started this way, I was able to dispel some concerns about certain medications for me and feel well advised by talking with my doctor.

The prerequisite for this is, of course, that you have a doctor who takes enough time for it. As a patient, it should not be a problem with a good doctor-patient relationship.

[ALEV] Medical information on prescription drugs | April 2024