"Shopping" in the Diakonieladen

In many cities, there are deaconry stores where you can buy everything you need for little money. These shops are open to everyone!

Especially books can be bought very cheap there! The things are always in a very good condition and priced far below the store price. There is also plenty of up-to-date literature there. Especially for a paperback book, which I usually read only once, I do not want to spend so much. There I get it for a few euros.

In addition, you can regularly make bargains in the clothing area. Often there are even brand items at absolutely fantastic prices. As an example, I think of brand jeans, in very good condition, for under ten euros.

Vinyl collectors and friends of other sound recordings will also find it from time to time. The ultimate rarities should not be expected though.

Anyone who likes old things can discover a lot here: dishes, furniture, decoration ... everything in good condition and always very reasonably priced.

AND: You even do something good with your purchase - things are reused instead of thrown away, good for our environment. In addition, it supports the work of Diakonie.

Kein Geld für neue Klamotten? Auch im Diakonie-Laden kannst du richtig stylisch Shoppen | April 2024