A headache

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Headache - Get rid of it cost-effectively
April 2024

Headache - Get rid of it cost-effectively

I have two tips that have helped me and my partner also, although he said before trying both said: "such a nonsense, it will never work!" 1. Drink a lot of water. Not at once, swallowed. 2. There...

Japanese medicinal plant oil for headache
April 2024

Japanese medicinal plant oil for headache

If I get a headache, I take some Japanese medicinal oil or, if necessary, only peppermint oil and rub it on my temples under my nose and neck. My headaches are blown away in no time ... but you...

China ointment for headache
April 2024

China ointment for headache

Yes, if you get really sick in the morning and you have a headache, as if a herd of rhinos were running against your head walls, then at least a simple remedy will help against the headache. China...

For a headache, salt foot bath and oil ginger rubbing helps
April 2024

For a headache, salt foot bath and oil ginger rubbing helps

The head growls and knocks - the headache tablet lures. Before you reach for that, I suggest trying an old combination of remedies: First cut 2 tablespoons of ginger into small slices and mix with 3...

Tips against migraine
April 2024

Tips against migraine

How many people have been suffering from migraine since my youth? Since I try to get along without pills or with less, I chased every tip and tried it. With very good success I tried the following....

Short massage for a headache
April 2024

Short massage for a headache

A short massage can help against headaches. You know situations where you have a bad headache and when you are sitting at work or at school you can not do any washcloth or anything else. So I...

Migraines may be triggered by piercing
April 2024

Migraines may be triggered by piercing

For about 18 years - about half my life - I suffer from migraines. This could possibly have been triggered by piersing. For the past two decades or so, I have been assisting a number of physicians,...

Help with headaches: causes and self-treatment
April 2024

Help with headaches: causes and self-treatment

Anyone who suffers from a headache is physically struck and barely able to think clearly. Regularly recurring headaches may be accompanying symptoms of a disease and require medical attention. If the...