Sleepyhead Sauf Card Game and Sauf-Mao / Uno

You need a standard card game, German or French hand does not matter.

Mix cards and give each player the same number of cards, the cards must not be seen by the players. Excess cards are not needed.

Everyone now has a deck of cards that they do not know what cards are underneath. Here, the back of the card must look upwards.

Now, each player turns over his top card and places it on a pile in the middle. But this is so that the front can be seen first of all by the other players (this is to prevent cheating, because you can not discover that extra slow to spit ever).

As soon as 2 cards of the same color (2 acorns, 2 spades, ...) or the same value (2 sub, 2 ace, ...) lie on top of each other, each player has to hit the stack quickly with his flat hand. The last one has to drink.

There are particularly disgusting mixtures (blue-Kura-sow, rum, beer, gin, wine, vodka: everything in it with what% has), which are already set before.

The most nasty thing about this game is that someone who has lost the first few laps will have no chance in the following rounds, since his reaction time is flute.

Who knocks incorrectly, e.g. with heart and check must of course drink.

Also works great with other games, only the rules should not be too complicated.

Sauf-Mao / Uno

Like normal Mao / Uno with the difference that every time you take a card you have to have a drink.

So you get drunk at: 2-take, 4-take, when you can not lay a card and forget to say Mao or Mao-Mao.

Extend does not apply (too unfair in the worst case 16).

If you're funny, you can also add a drink to any color.

e.g. Yellow mead, blue vodka, ...

If someone does not have a blue card and has to follow suit, he has to drink a vodka.

Audiolibro - EL TERCER OJO - Capítulo 1.- Ciencia del Saber | April 2024