Slimming on the stomach with the BEA rule

Find the mistake: summer, sun, beach, beer belly. At least from the age of 40 many men have a faithful companion at their side: the beer belly. To take him to his limits needs discipline? observing the BEA rule, the result can be seen.

BEA rule stands for abdominal exercises, diet change, endurance training

At first, you might think that a simple one? Dieting is easier than regular abdominal training and endurance sports in everyday life to integrate and even to change the diet. That's why I'm writing you my approach to the BEA Rule (which, of course, is not just for men) with which I am happy throughout the year.

The BEA rule advises you to do 30 minutes of abdominal training three times a week. If you go to the gym, you will certainly be well advised with specific exercises. At home, I watched videos with belly exercises on the internet, as I would not have thought of anything but various versions of crunches that are good for a 30-minute program on the living room carpet. Then I knew I had to ritualize and embed in something. For me the breakfast television is good with news and light entertainment.

Nutritional change with less sugar and fat

The BEA rule relies on a low-fat and low-sugar diet. Well, what diet does not do that. I went through my menu mentally and looked where I can change a few things. At the bakery instead of the croissant a wholemeal roll, I found an easy exercise. Reducing the use of oils at home while cooking, cooking more meat and stewing vegetables gradually became part of my everyday life. Sure, when I go out for dinner, I can not handle it, but exceptions confirm the rule.

Endurance training is one of them

Sounds worse than it is. The BEA rule recommends two to three times a week with 20 minutes running, walking, cycling or inline skating. For the latter I feel too old, but cycling or running is quite possible. Again, I had to ritualise this for myself, so I would not stop after two weeks. To work I use the car, but to do my errands by bike also counts.

Fat cells on the stomach are greedy

In both sexes, the fat cells on the stomach are particularly susceptible to any excess energy from hearty foods and sweet drinks. But in principle, the genes determine whether the too-much-fat is applied to the stomach, buttocks or hip. In men, the excess fat is often stored spherical on the stomach and does not become the hip gold. In ancient times, belly fat was essential to survival for both sexes, sort of like a warehouse that is filled up and can be accessed at bad times. Today we speak of the apple and pear type, depending on where the excess fat is stored.

The apple type is more prone to cardiovascular disease

In the apple type, the belly fat is placed around the internal organs such as the intestine, liver or stomach and produces hormones that are responsible for the increased risk of heart attack, stroke or diabetes. So, in addition to summer, sun and beach another reason to slim down.

With the beer delights, the abdomen grows radius

With the beer belly it seems obvious to imagine men drinking beer in the pub. But there are also enough men with a large belly who do not drink beer or alcohol at all. Whether it's excessive beer or other drinks, greasy food, sweet bits, or too little exercise, the BEA rule can help you get rid of the extra pounds.

Simple Life Hacks for a Flatter Belly | April 2024