Water plants gently

Small plantlets can be watered gently, with a large watering can, if you put a cut cork into the spout.

The tender plantlets in the garden are a few inches high - far too tender to be poured with the hard watering can.

If there is no small pot at hand, you can make do with a cork. Of the last garden party is certainly still in a drawer in the garden hut! A whole cork fits exactly into the pouring spout of a large plastic watering can, but to pass the desired small amount of water you have to stand up the cork and cut it with a sharp knife along a bit.

Then into the spout and the gentle trickle flows out.

When I asked why my husband did not take a spray bottle, the answer came: with the many small plants you spray a wolf!

Watering plants by beating them, gently | April 2024