Which devices do you need in the garden?

The offer is huge, confusing and confusing: What is it all about garden tools! The most important and meaningful ones I put together here.

A word about quality

Anyone who has ever experienced how a Billighacke in the loamy soil has already bent unrettably at the second momentum will value quality in the future. For the metal parts you should make sure that they are made in one piece, joints and welds are vulnerable. Stainless is natural.

Best and most expensive are hand-forged stainless steel tools, but there are often 10 years warranty. But wood is not the same wood. The stems of hoes, spades or cultivators have to endure a lot, ashes have proven to be the best. Metal handles are a good alternative. The stems must be well secured and wooden handles must be replaced. You should also make sure that the length fits the editor. For all cutting tools, only the best is good enough. A sensible pruning shears will last forever, making it easy to work and spares the plants by a sharp cut.

Digging, cutting off, digging

A solid spade serves for cutting out, removing, cutting off lawn edges. The blade should be stable and hard, the handle durable.

The shovel you need to move soil, dig holes, but also to apply fertilizer, compost and the like. Regardless of the type of garden, spades and shovels should be present in every garden.


Whether you own a vegetable or a flower bed, the soil wants to be worked on, loosened, fertilized, rejuvenated. There are a variety of devices for this:

For the deep loosening of the soil is best one digging fork, This looks a bit like a pitchfork, but has wider teeth. So you can loosen the soil, without changing the soil structure as would be the case when digging with the spade. The digging fork is struck and moves back and forth once. Weeds can also be easily removed, harvest root vegetables or share perennials. If you have little space in the beds, takes over the Sauzahn the grave fork works. This is just a single crescent-shaped tine that simply drags through the earth.

If the soil has been processed for several years and is fine-crumbly, a superficial treatment is sufficient. This is the suitable Cultivator or cultivator, He has 3-5 tines that do not reach deep into the ground. So you can also incorporate wonderful compost. For heavy soils, however, there is no way to reduce your energy consumption hoe past!

On rake or one rake Finally, smooth the soil and work well with fertilizer and compost.

Topic weeds: With all of the above-mentioned devices, weeds can also be removed well, as they loosen the soil and make the weeds homeless. However, those who are plagued by dandelions, thistles, sorrel, so they have to deal with weeds with deep taproots, which recommends the purchase of a Weed engraver.

Cutting and sawing

A All-purpose pruning shears must not be missing in any garden. Those who specialize in certain plants, such as roses or books, can buy a special pair of scissors. For all the others, the miracle weapon is enough. But pay attention to quality! The scissors should be taken in the store in your hand and see if it fits you ?. There are different cutting lengths, handle sizes, scissors for right and left-handers, there are bypass shears and anvil shears (the first has two blades, is a bit harder to handle but gentler on the trees, for the second one needs less force, but squeezes the cutting material more). Therefore, you should go for the purchase in a specialty store and seek advice!

If you have trees or large shrubs, you also need a good one Lopper as well as one Pruning saw.

On Pruning shears is slightly bent, almost sickly and (hopefully!) sharp. When binding material needs to be cut or a twine needs to go away quickly? Perfect. It's also good for cutting lavender.

For hedges: hedge clippers!

For grass: mowing machinewhether electric, motor or spindle depends on the size of the lawn. With a Edger By the way, you can also cut well books! You do not have to buy scarifier, you can usually borrow it from the garden center (make a reservation in advance).

What else is helpful

Good gardening gloves that go to the elbow.

A watering can.

A hand scoop and a hand cultivator for fine work or work on plant troughs

A planting wood.

A stable, stable conductor. Buy now Fiskars Weed Cutter, Length: 1 m, Stainless Steel Arms / Plastic Handle, Black / Orange, Xact, 102? Fiskars Weed Cutter, Length: 1 m, Stainless Steel Arms / Plastic Handle, Black / Orange, Xact, 102? 44.90? 29,99 ?

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