5-minute potato from the microwave

Little time but fancy potatoes? Then there is a totally brilliant tip for it.

Pick 4 toothpicks into each potato to make sure they stand well and bake in the microwave for 5 minutes. They do not lie on a plate but can cook well from all sides.

DirkNB: I also like potatoes in the MW, if you want to go fast. Usually I cut them raw into the shape that I need afterwards (slices for fried potatoes, cubes for mashed potatoes). Then they are washed and placed wet in a MW-suitable container with a lid. For one to two servings (depending on the dish) about 5 minutes full power ahead. As the cooking time increases with the amount of potatoes, the MW is worth no more than 4 or 5 servings at the latest. Then you can cook them too.
The moisture on the potato is important, otherwise it looks funny from the outside. But she must not be in the water either. The places in the water are not even in time. _Toffifee_: @ismay
Why do not you bring the MW back? If something happens after a short time, that is clearly not alright. I would try to get my money back and buy another.

I think the tip is quite good. Not for every day. Usually I know how much time I have and if I cook something with potatoes that day.
But there are also days when you have nothing planned and suddenly have an appetite for potatoes. Or you come from the road, do not know how long the day will be / until when you're back, then at home and think about what you could eat on the fly. Yeah ... cook potatoes for a long time if you already have cabbage steam is stupid.
So worth a try.

How To Bake A Potato In The Microwave | April 2024