Against white flies on cabbage plants

Everywhere where cabbage is planted, you have these little beasts very fast. At the latest, when the weather is warm and humid, there is a true white fly invasion.

The white fly (Kohlmottenschildlaus) sucks the cabbage then simply the juice and the legacy is not exactly appetizing - dark brown goo!

After many attempts with rapeseed oil, alcohol, dish soap, etc., which did not kill one generation but did not impress the next - a few days later, by chance I found the blue lantern flower (Nicandra physaloides).

What should I say - it helps!

The scent sells white flies when the plants are in close proximity (up to about 2 meters distance). A pretty and natural "insecticide" on top of that.

The blue lantern flower is up to 1.50 meters high - so watch for shadows.

Last year, I had to buy small plants, but this is a one-time investment, as can easily be pulled from the seeds new plants. And in the mature fruits are thousands of seeds ...

Caution in children: If the fruits of the blue lantern flower are not fully mature, they are poisonous. They also look very similar to the Physalis!

Controlling Whiteflies on Your Kale, Cabbage, Broccoli & Like: Harvest, Remove Leaves, Water Spray | April 2024