Make pimples invisible - cover pimples

Make pimples invisible.

Unfortunately, they do not appear when you are in bed with the flu anyway or you are wasting a weekend at home. No, you prefer to come when you do not need them? - pimples!

As an immediate measure only help cover. There are all sorts of pens for this special purpose, but I have the best experience with the following procedure (but only if you use make-up)

At the screw cap, or on the lid of the make-up sometimes slight residues remain, which are already a bit drier. (Even with the greatest cleanliness with constant wiping, etc., this is usually unavoidable before someone brings the hygiene into the game? Look at the tube).

From this you put something on the pimple with your finger and knock it in well. Then normal make-up over it and maybe some loose powder. Result: The pimple is as good as invisible.

I have read this tip x years ago in a fashion magazine, allegedly he came from a make-up artist, who makes up models. When he works great.

Dr. Pimple Popper’s Technique to Pop a Pimple | May 2024