Alternative shampooing with soda and rinse

If the shampoo is all or you are just looking for an alternative, you can use soda! Important: then always angry rins!

You can either use a soda porridge or a liquid mixture of water and soda. With the soda but few achieve a good result.

Always use hot water, this increases the cleaning power. Then of course let cool.


Mix 1-3 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate with about 1 teaspoon of water and apply to the scalp. Wash out after 1 minute.

Liquid soda-water mixture:

Mix 250 ml of water with 1-3 teaspoons of soda and apply to the scalp. Wash out after 3 minutes.


There are several types of rinsing (tarerinse, cold rinse or sour rinse). Here we need the sour rinse. Make it from 1-1.5 L of water and a dash of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

After washing, just pour over wet hair. The rinse ensures that the cuticle layer of the hair creates and thus shine more and are easier to comb.

I use the liquid soda variety and the rinse with lemon for some time and I am thrilled.

20 Weeks No-Poo: Switched Methods! NO NO to Baking Soda! | May 2024