Cook baby porridge yourself and freeze

I cook that mash for our baby himself and freeze him, like many other parents too. Only freezing was such a thing. I wanted a simple, fast method where I do not need plastic boxes, because I do not have that many boxes. In addition, I did not want to take any ice cube trays, they are too small for me and annoying is annoying. I wanted to be as flexible as with a glass. That's where the idea came from.

For freezing, I fill the finished porridge in silicone muffin molds. Anyway, I froze the porridge and when it is frozen, I remove the pieces from the mold and put them in a freezer bag - just label - done. Now I only need to go to the freezer at lunchtime, and within 2 minutes the food in the microwave has thawed.

From the 4th to the 7th month, our baby ate a muffin dish. Meanwhile it eats the set of two forms. A mold is equivalent to about 3 large tablespoons of porridge.

I think the advantage is that you can dose the amount so well, and it can be topped up in freezer bags.

You can also freeze pureed fruit well, you can thaw so delicious natural yogurt thawed.

Certainly, other things can be frozen practically dosed, I like things like homemade herb butter, leftovers from the wine bottle, etc.

This is my first tip here, so please be lenient. I hope he is not double.

How to thaw frozen baby food | April 2024