Crackle cloth for babies

Babies love colors and sounds. That's why such a knist cloth is a really good occupation for such a small person.

You need it: a very soft material, like two different and a roast, preferably toppings.

Now you cut fabric and foil on the same size pieces. If I just want to sew the whole cloth out of one fabric, I put it twice and the foil in between. If I want front and back of different fabrics, then I take two pieces of fabric and the film in between. Before stitching, I turn the whole thing now on the left. Now I sew with the machine from the left to the pages, except for the last. This is sewn on the right after turning.

To make this cloth even more interesting for the baby, you can add a few extras to the side seams: a soft drawstring, a loop of lace, a fabric laces ...

These cloths are particularly well suited in the size of ca.12 times 15 cm. Then the baby can hold and hold the cloth well.

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