Dehydration in old age - make a drinking plan for seniors

Why do seniors often have problems with drinking? This also started with my mother. Since we have made smart and discovered the causes.

Not only outwardly, one gets old, also internally.

The nerves in the mouth, pharynx and stomach must work well for drinking. But these nerves are getting old too. There is also a control center in the brain that controls the water in the body. If the salt content in the blood gets higher and the blood thickens, then there is not enough water in the body. The control center announces: Thirst!

The problem with the old body is that water measurements through the nerves in the mouth, pharynx and stomach no longer work exactly. As I said, these nerves are old and inflexible. Even the water control center in the brain works inaccurately in old age. The signals for the thirst are not that strong anymore. That's why seniors drink little and not regularly. If you do not drink for hours, you will dry out internally, and if the signals are inaccurate, the older person will not notice.

Another reason for the bad drinking behavior is the fear of the toilet. This problem must be solved! Because too little fluid in the body is very harmful in the long run. The brain does not work properly, the skin becomes totally wrinkled, the whole person quickly grows old and dull. That does not have to be!

Make a solid drinking plan for every day at the age.

Per hour, 1 small glass of water (mineral or tap water) would be ideal. Maybe after breakfast, put the glasses and cups on the kitchen table. Also soup, coffee and tea, diluted fruit juice and water-rich fruits and vegetables are o. K. Absolutely bad are soda, cola, soft drink, alcohol (alcohol dehydrates the body).

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