Fried sauerkraut very easy and different

At home we never had sauerkraut, but I read that it should be very healthy. Since I recently bought the cheapest and first tried cold. I do not like that! I tried it after many recipes with sweaty onions, bacon, caraway, pepper, salt, laurel and juniper berries ... and still thought it was not that great.

Unfortunately, half the pack was still there. Have these then heaped (without fat) in the (coated) pan and fried. Then I added 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and 5 tablespoons of passed tomato and allowed to evaporate the liquid. Then reduce the temperature and add 20 g of Parmesan, pepper, salt and rose paprika. Then I fried the whole thing until the sauerkraut had taken on a little color. That was delicious and even tasted of sauerkraut .. just delicious and not so obtrusive. Will buy me soon something higher-priced sauerkraut or do it yourself. Should not be so hard. Greetings from the student experimental kitchen!

Easy fried sauerkraut recipe to learn how to cook sauerkraut on the stove top! | April 2024