Household organization - with basket

I give this tip to anyone who, like my big children, wants to open their own household and have no idea how to organize it, so it's easy to keep it neat. Even household veterans may still have something of it.

I found out that for me (born Chaotin, who had to learn to control a large household under control :-D), the basketball system is the biggest help.

What I need is an arbitrarily large number of simple plastic baskets from the Dime Grabbel. (If you like it nobler, you can of course use hand-woven baskets). Each of these little baskets holds things that I need for a specific purpose. Purposeful sorting is incredibly important because it makes life easier for me afterwards.

How good that there are these baskets in many sizes! Some are stackable or lockable. I think the simple ones make the most sense.

In the kitchen I have cups for baking (one for ingredients like baking soda, vanilla sugar, couverture ... and one for equipment like scales, whisk, sieve ...), for pasta cooking (pasta, tomato paste, tuna, corn .. .), for legumes and rice etc.

Under the sink I have a basket with materials for the dishwasher, with cleaning agents etc.

In the bathroom I have a basket for cosmetics for the face, for the body, for the hair, for the dental care, for hygiene articles ... and a basket for litter box cleaning (disposable gloves, strong garbage bags, disinfectant spray, old cloths, scissors for slicing Cat litter and staple to close).

In the study a basket for gift wrapping, one for crocheting, for embroidery equipment, for beadwork ...

I also introduced it in the children's rooms. What belongs together, because one needs it for a certain task, comes husch-husch, into the basket. (Of course, this is handled more intuitively and flexibly in toys).

In each of these little baskets I have EVERYTHING I need for a specific task. This means, for example, that I have invested in several scissors - I have a pair of scissors in the gift basket, but also in all the others where I can use a pair of scissors. It may well be a cheap scissors, but I do not need to look for it. Wherever I need masking tape or staples or old rags, I have some in my basket.

In EVERY bathroom I have a basket of ALL the materials I need to clean it up. That does not mean that I consume more materials - whether I carry a can XXX through the house and consume, or three cans XXX each slowly consumed in different places remains the same. But I save the Rumtragen and thinking: where did I leave the same XXX ...?

The system may sound a bit obsessive (at the beginning of my career as a housewife, I even stuck labels to my cups ...), so I want to explain what's so helpful to me.

I do not have to find anything for the tasks involved, but to a certain extent have made provisions. Most things you do over the course of the week are routine. It helps a lot to keep this routine smooth, if I do not have to open three closet doors until I have everything I need to bake cookies, but if everything is already together.

I have an overview of my supplies. When I see that Tesafilm, chopped almonds or iron on the tipping, I immediately write to get new ones. It is enough to look into the corresponding basket. There can not be almonds anywhere else :-)

Cleaning up is easy. I do not have to clear out any drawers and put them back, but simply pull out a basket, empty it, wipe it and check whether its contents are still available in sufficient quantity or are still fresh. In the basket itself, I can arrange the things as neat or chaotic as I want - I find them in any case. And it is enough if every day (in a small household: once a week) bring a basket in order, so I have everywhere at any time order in the closets. I sort of manage the big chaos and keep it under control in many small parts.

Cabinets and drawers always look clear when you open them - it never strikes you. Everyday chaos on the living room table, I find a hundred times easier to endure than disorder in the cabinets, because you can now admit this everyday chaos nowhere if the cabinets are also chaotic. If, on the other hand, the cabinets are well organized, everyday chaos is easy to clean up again. Because every thing has his basket in which it wants to go back in the evening. Logical storage is the key to order in everyday life.

If someone other than myself wants to use my kitchen or what is looking for in the bathroom, it is easy to find your way around.

So I recommend those who are just starting their own household, to let this idea go through their heads. Who is neat by nature, does not need the tip. But who, like me, fights his life against it, that the chaos over the head collapses him :-), which has perhaps something of it.

10 Home & Kitchen Organization Ideas / Basket organization | April 2024