Tomato dip or spread


2 medium sized tomatoes
1 pack. sour cream
1 pack. Quark (250g)
1-2 sachets of salad-fix pepper herbs
maybe pinch Knobi

2 Tomatoes mince (is doing very well, who has him, the Quick-Chef of Tupper), otherwise also tuts a good knife and a fork. Then 1 packet of sour cream, 1 packet of quark and 1-2 bags of salad-fix pepper from Knorr etc. and possibly who likes a pinch Knobi (but does not have to be). Mix everything well or crush. It is delicious and made really fast. Tastes great on bread or as a dip or grilled meat.

Sundried Tomato Dip - Easy To Make Homemade Party Dip / Spread - Ruchi Bharani | April 2024