Keep pot lid

I do not have much space in the cupboards and so some lids just disturb me. I thought that here would be a good alternative.

I just stuck to the inside door of the cabinets, where I keep my lids and pots, some towel hooks stuck and so they are now well stowed, 2 lids per door. Now I have more space again, for the other lids and it looks neater.

The hooks are always self-adhesive and I have then, as seen in the picture, one to the left and a further hung to the right (you can describe something difficult). So you can simply push in the lid and the hooks hold the lid firmly. You just have to try something where the hooks fit best, not every lid is the same, I just took the slightly thinner ones as the big thicker lids would not hold.

As an additional support, you can easily brush the hook (if you know where it's coming from) with some craft glue, before pressing. Have they been hanging for 2 days now and so far no one has fallen down.

Pot lid handle cover | April 2024