Nail polish against mosquito bites

Did that in "CSI: the perpetrators on the trail" seen, as it was said one should apply to mosquito bites clear nail polish. It really works (for me anyway).

UlliMaus: I do not know what people get into a bad mood when they hear CSI.

But the tip is good and works. Therefore full star rating.

1. It prevents the itching
2. It protects the skin from scratching the stitch
3. It disinfects the stitch by the volatile solvent contained in the nail polish
4. Nail polishes are dermatologically tested, so absolutely skin-friendly.
5. Skin does not need air from the outside to heal (medically tested, that's why there are airtight patches)

6. If you take nail polish with nourishing ingredients, so much the better
7. It can never give enough good tips against itchy mosquito bites

Greetings xldeluxe: I have not read all the comments because I usually go up the hat string anyway: My God, what is this all criticism of every damn tip? Eternally the same tortured Sch ..... about hygiene, threatening health hazards (how many millions of women have died miserably because a drop of nail polish on their skin has killed them ............ ???)
Just read and shut up! These eternal organic Nörgeler go on with all the tips here on the nerves !!!!!!

Bug Bites - Cool Tips for Kicking Bug Bite Itch | April 2024