Nitrous oxide treatment for dental phobics

Laughing gas treatment with dental phobics - was very pleasant ... I did not care ... is a great tip for those who are afraid of a dental treatment.

I've had a big panic in front of the dentist since childhood. Smaller things can do "my" dentist meanwhile without panic attacks on my part, it took a long time, until he worked out the confidence.

Now there was one bigger thing - and my dentist was still ill - (back pain, is in rehab).

Since I have it done again under anesthesia. There are still many teeth to be crowned.

But after the first treatment under general anesthetic (ambulatory) but still two teeth had a small treatment - before I had a stranger to my dentist, was afraid. He then offered me treatment laughing gas to ... what I googled on the internet then.

The treatment was just awesome. After the nitrous oxide worked (it slowly dosed higher until the desired effect occurs, which is different in every person) I did not care that he gave me an injection.

As the nitrous oxide also has a mild analgesic effect, the injection into the palate did not hurt at all (usually the sting in the palate had already terrified me - but now I did not really care).

The drill came - I did not care about that; the slow "Rumpelbohrer" (who always let me "freak out") - I did not care about that; the die around the tooth (which ever tweaks) - I did not care.

When everything was ready and the dentist said that he was now turning off the nitrous oxide and I still got some pure oxygen (so that the heavier nitrous oxide can be exhaled) I thought, "Oh - finished ... too bad ..." It was really a pleasant Feeling.

After the treatment, it is also roadworthy again after 5-10 minutes - and so I was able to go home with my scooter myself.

Personally, I have decided to switch to this dentist with the nitrous oxide!

Nitrous Oxide Sedation - Dental Information 3 | April 2024