Onion cake fix & good

Who would like to spend a lot of time in the kitchen on Boxing Day after the many kitchen activities of the last days ?! But all day long only stollen and gingerbread causes heartburn, so what's right on the table.

Today we do not have to prove to anyone that we can cook - we take for our onion cake already on baking paper finished rolled yeast dough.

Whoever wakes now, I tried this onion cake today and presented to the family. Usually I do yeast dough myself - but there are moments in life when you appreciate the little quick helpers

No piece is left. And the preparation went ratz-fatz. The twenty minutes Schnibbelei one has loose between Sissi and Ben Hur.


  • 1 roll of yeast dough from the refrigerated rack
  • 1 kg of onions
  • 200 g of bacon in cubes
  • 2 cups of crème fraîche
  • 1 tsp mustard
  • 2 eggs
  • Pepper salt

That is how it goes

  1. The yeast dough is placed on the baking tray.
  2. The onions are peeled and chopped. Then the bacon pieces are heated in a large pan and the onions are added. Everything is glassy steamed for 10 minutes.
  3. Mix the bacon onions in a bowl with 1 tsp of mustard, salt and pepper, two eggs and two cups of crème fraîche.
  4. Spread this mass on the yeast dough and bake the onion cake at 200 degrees light brown for about 45 minutes. The edge is then very crispy.
  5. Can be eaten hot, warm and cold!

Hyper-Realistic Onion CAKE ???? | Lookalike Challenge | April 2024