Philadephia Cake

Philadephia Cake

- 150 g of butter biscuits
- 125 g of butter
- 600 g Philadelphia double cream
- 500 g of vanilla yogurt
- 75 g of sugar
- 12 leaves gelatin
- 250 g of pineapple slices from the tin
- 150 ml pineapple juice


- Place the butter biscuits in a freezer bag and B. completely crumble with a rolling pin

- Melt the butter, mix with the breadcrumbs and press into a springform pan lined with baking paper

- Cut the pineapple into pieces and retain some slices as a garnish

- Mix Philadelphia, yoghurt, pineapple juice and sugar in a bowl

- Dissolve gelatine according to the instructions in the package and stir it in

- Fill the springform with the cream and place the cake in the fridge for approx. 3 hours

- Garnish the cake with the preserved pineapple slices

Cheese cake cotta alle fragole con ricotta e philadephia ricetta light facile fatta in casa | April 2024