Remove coverings on dentures

I had recently pick up the dentures of a family member from the dental technology and have spoken there personally with the dental technician. The dentures were there in the art to get a professional cleaning.

The residues of fruit, vegetables, tea and coffee are deposited on the plastic and also on the metal, are also stored in the telescopes, do not go off in the end.

I asked for the best remedy to avoid having to resort to this professional cleaning that often, not to mention the stress of handing it over to the lab.

Effervescent tablets only bring the feeling of cleanliness and freshness, you could do that in between times.

He now told me that the washing paste "LINDA NEUTRAL" the best remedy would be.

When I asked surprised, he told me that this washing paste is slightly grainy and therefore the stubborn pads would be removed.

I've seen it: LINDA Neutral contains no preservatives and bleach and is even biodegradable.


Simply brush the dentures with a small amount of Linda-Neutral and a narrow hand brush or special brush for dentures, let it work in and, of course, rinse well!

Maybe someone here has the same "worries" and tries the remedy!

Don't Buy DENTURES | You have another Choice | May 2024