Sauce to / from roast

This is Ewald's insider tip - and he does not always succeed! Very important is a good nose that can distinguish between caramelizing sugars and their burning. Have a cold pot ready!

Many know the problem: great Schnitzel no sauce (apart from bag on and ready) ...

Today something different! You have fresh schnitzel again (not Wiener Schnitzel, it does not work with breadcrumbs!) In the kitchen and the tooth is already dripping. Do not take your frying pan your expensive coated pan but either (best choice) a cast pan or a normal stainless steel pot (if necessary).

As a frying fat never choose oil but absolutely a roast margarine. Use only a little! You want to roast - do not fry! Roast your meat as usual without changing the fat or the roasting dishes. You see, there is a roast of meat on the ground. This is your "raw gold"! Depending on the amount of fried (with two chips on the example) take the pan (nacholgend pan even if you have fried in the pot) something from the fireplace and give something (about 1/3 deleted teaspoon) Waldhonig (may be another) in the Pan and let it caramelize on the hearth.

Important is your nose now! You have to dig out the point before "tipping". If it tips, burn your approach and the sauce will be bitter later. At this moment, you only have a window of a few seconds. Starting from two previously fried schnitzels - delete immediately before (!) The "tilting" with about 50-75 ml of sweet red wine and let it einreduzieren (using a whisk) -> again to the point of just "tipping". Now add about 75-100 ml of cream and let it reduce again, but not so bad. Usually this sauce does not need to be re-thickened as this takes over the reduced cream.

In addition, you should not be misled by the small amount of sauce, because it has the flavor power of sauce from 100 chips! A "too much" on the plate makes it disgusting -> So it's not for boiled potatoes.

I recommend duchess potatoes for this sauce -> easily exaggerated with this sauce ... gorgeous! Try it and do not give up if it does not work the first time. If you have it out, then you have the basis for your own creations and modifications. This is a completely new and extreme taste.

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