Savings tip with change

I have used this tip for a few months and at the end I already had 30 euros, which consisted only of small change.

I made it so that when I went to buy something, only notes and 1 & 2 euros plugged.

The small change I have packed in one of these Nivea feel-good cans. Ideally, of course, would be a piggy bank or a money box that has no lock, so you are not tempted to take something from it. We want to save.

And when you come back from shopping, you put the leftover change in the can.

Where I was then tempted to take something out of the money box, I took a sticky note, stuck it on the tin and wrote up the amount that I took.

Next time I paid my "debts" with the notes and 1 & 2 Euros.

How To Save Money Fast - 18 Money Saving Tips | April 2024