Screw away? Never again moving chaos when building furniture

Probably everyone has already taken apart a piece of furniture and found in the reconstruction that screws are missing or everything is gone. Never again! A roll of masking tape helps. Plus, if necessary, an additional role.

This is how you proceed:

Mark the masking tape with an "E" at the beginning. Then you put a strip with the adhesive surface up in your reach, but so that no one steps on it. Then all the elements come in turn, starting at "E". Possibly. with note.

If it gets too long, an assistant with masking tape roll can glue a cover strip starting at "E" cleanly over the lined up screws, adhesive side towards screws.

When everything is ready, everything is rolled up beginning at "E".

Now fix the screws to the element of the furniture that was last in your hand.

Rebuilding is the beginning of the roll outside, as you will most likely have to start with the same things you used to do before.

That men and women build furniture together in peace.

2016 Lecture 08 Maps of Meaning: Part I: Hierarchies and chaos | April 2024