So lipstick does not settle in wrinkles around the lips

So the lipstick does not settle in vertical wrinkles around the lips:

What would be nice if you never needed such a tip. But as you get older, small stubborn wrinkles often disturb your lips. And in these little beasts likes to put the lipstick and you have no clean lips.

You can help yourself with a very simple trick, which is also caring for the thin lip skin:

As a "putty" you wear a colorless grease stick about 1 mm above the edge of the lip. The may quietly slip into the wrinkles. And now comes the lipstick, not quite applied to the lip.

The result is beautiful full lips. It looks best when the color is not gaudy, but brownish-pink or rosewood colors.

Quick Fix for Lip Wrinkles | April 2024