Spare ribs


Preparation time: 15 min.
Cooking or baking time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Rest period: 4 hours
Total preparation time: 5 hours 30 minutes

You take:
Spare ribs in sufficient quantity (per serving you can count on a pound, it's only bone)
Depending on the amount of meat and desired sharpness some fresh chili peppers (red and green), dried smoked chillies, sweet peppers and other spices such as pepper, cumin, garlic ...
grated peel and juice from a lemon
olive oil

Core the chili peppers and atomise them in a mortar. Add remaining spices and chop. Stir in the lemon juice and olive oil. Place the spare ribs in a sufficiently large dripping pan, spread the marinade on both sides and cover with aluminum foil. Press the foil firmly on the sides of the pan to keep it well closed. Let marinate for a few hours. Then heat the oven and cook for about an hour (or a quarter of an hour longer) at 180 ° C.

Now take the dripping pan with the meat out of the oven, loosen the foil on one corner, drain any liquid that has formed, then remove the foil completely. Switch the oven to grill mode, coat the meat with honey and grill for 10 to 15 minutes until everything is well browned and crispy.

So prepared, the meat literally falls off the bone! This fits best fresh pretzels and a fresh (cabbage) salad.

BBQ with Franklin: Pork Ribs part 1 | April 2024