Ruccola mandarin salad with walnut

For 4 people:


  • 800g Ruccola
  • 10 tangerines (or a tin)
  • 4 teaspoons walnut oil (substitute vegetable oil)
  • 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
  • salt
  • 40g walnuts


Pluck the Ruccola into bite-sized pieces. Fillet fresh mandarins. Mix the ruccola with tangerines and arrange on plates. Squeeze out remaining mandarins (which can be collected from the can, juice).

Add tangerine juice, walnut oil, vinegar and salt to a dressing and drizzle with the salad.

Chop walnuts and add to salad.

Arugula Salad Recipe With Butternut Squash, Feta, Fruits And Simple Dressing - Rugula | The Food Nut | April 2024