Tooth pull - less bleeding in the morning

2 teeth have been pulled in my life so far. Unfortunately, one is not that long ago. Anyone looking for an extraction of a tooth should have it done in the early morning. (The same applies to a root tip resection).

In the morning, such treatment bleeds significantly less than at noon or even in the afternoon. My dentist said that was due to the circulation and the fact that in the early morning, the cycle just by sleeping in the night and the longer period of rest at night on "low flame" runs and only in the course of the day starts more and more. (Sounds plausible, even to me as a layman.)

In any case, I can say that pulling the tooth in the early morning has hardly bleeded at all. This one "tampon", what you get on the wound, was not completely bleeding and I could go to work after hauling in peace, had no pain.

After a tooth extraction (English) | April 2024