What to do with the foliage?

With the accumulating foliage divide the spirits. Some grab the rake, the others the leaf blower? and some are looking over it.

As a natural soil mulch, as a protective layer, you can leave the leaves under trees and shrubs or spread on beds. Even smaller animals are happy about this habitat. It looks different with leaves on the lawn. He does not tolerate the cover, the foliage robs him of the light.

On sidewalks, the foliage must not remain, the danger of slipping in the wet is simply too high. Similar to the winter service, there are duties to remove the foliage. However, these are not regulated as strictly as snow shoveling, which has to happen in the morning.

The leaf blower, the one joy, the other suffering, may be used in residential areas weekdays from 9 to 13 clock and from 15 to 17 clock. For those responsible for extensive paths a great deal of work, but many small creatures are destroyed or robbed of their habitat.

Whatever you collect your leaves, whether with the leaf blower or with rake and broom? where to put it?

The accumulated leaves can be composted, preferably together with other waste such as grass clippings or kitchen waste, so that the whole thing is mixed. The foliage is not suitable for the organic waste bin, as it does not fit in much. You can also pile up your foliage in a corner of the garden in a sheltered spot. Add a few small branches and the winter quarters for a hedgehog are ready. Have you explored all distribution options, then in the bag with it and on to the recycling yard.

Foliage Plants: Part 1 | April 2024