Where do the fruit flies come from? Here's the answer

Not many people know where these animals come from. Suddenly they are there and do not want to disappear.

Do you have fresh herbs with root balls in the kitchen or is fresh vegetables, especially leeks, open in a basket?

The tiny eggs and maggots are found on the herbs, in the root ball and between the leaves. Invisible to the human eye, but that's exactly how it is.

So we are all used by the fruit flies as a taxi. So we carry you in the apartment. Besides, do you have a bucket of vegetables and herbs left in the kitchen?

You should not be surprised. A well prepared fly paradise.

The only true tip is:

Vegetable and herb remains, a small bio bin or similar have lost nothing in the apartment. Best to dispose of everything directly. A lid on the bio bin does not help, because the small maggots of the fruit fly work themselves through the gum of Einweickgläsern, preferably sweet and sour pickles.

Nice nasty was not? But you know what to do now.

4 Proven Ways to Get Rid of Fruit Flies‏‎ | April 2024