You should avoid these foods with joint complaints

Everyone who suffers from joint problems knows the problem, on some days the pain is easier, on others unbearable. You are prescribed medication, but unfortunately the diet plays a big role.

So positive z. If ginger, garlic or turmeric have anti-inflammatory effects, other foods cause pain. A good doctor has certainly addressed the issue.

These foods should be avoided for joint complaints or rarely eat:

  • Red meat Contains purines and these are broken down in the body to uric acid. As uric acid in the blood increases, uric acid crystals build up in the joints over time, causing joint discomfort. Best to eat less red meat and sausages and eat more vegetables.
  • sugar especially artificial sugar makes you tired, tired and generally has a negative effect on our organism. I'm talking about normal table sugar, because the natural sugar in fruits and vegetables is healthy. In addition, sugar makes you fat and who is fat, which puts strain on the joints. Sugar acidifies as in meat mentioned the body.
  • Dairy products contain the protein casein, which can trigger inflammation. One should avoid the pasteurized milk and prefer to resort to soy or almond milk. The saturated fats that occur in butter and cheese can cause inflammation in the fatty tissue. Instead of butter, prefer margarine and tofu.
  • White bread, Pasta and white rice can cause chronic inflammation of the joints. Do not eat daily, but pay more attention to whole grains.
  • eggs, especially the egg yolk, contains the arachidonic acid, this can cause inflammation in the body. Eggs also contain saturated fats, it is best to eat more of the protein and leave the egg yolk away.
  • common salt In other words, refined salt contains additives and chemicals (ferrocyanide and aluminum silicate). Refined salt contains no natural minerals. Better to use sea salt or Himalayan salt
  • beer contains purine, which the body converts to uric acid. Increased uric acid triggers inflammation of the joints.

Nutrition for Inflammation and Arthritis | April 2024