Avoid traveling sickness: ginger in peppermint oil

Travel sickness can be prevented with ginger in peppermint oil.

Now begins the travel time - and thus often the time of suffering for many people who suffer from travel sickness. Some can easily fly, but have a strange feeling in the stomach if they only see a ship. Others can not read a line in the car or bus, then they need a bag right away.

Today, I can accurately describe the places where I "cooked" as a child when we went to the grandma.

Had I already known about this recipe for nausea - or my mother - the whole family would have been spared many unpleasant hours.

You take:

1 piece of ginger, about the size of a small chicken egg. This is finely ground. Quiet with shell! Now it comes in a screw and you pour a bottle of peppermint oil on it. Leave for a day or two before you need it.

You can leave the ginger in the glass, you can also take it out with a fork if it bothers. For rubbing you need only the oil.

Rub a small amount of the oil around the belly button and stomach area before starting to travel.

It really helps!

Motion Sickness Aid with Ginger Essential Oil | April 2024