Cystitis - burning while urinating

Complaint-free in 1 hour! As an "emergency medicine" always helps vitamin C powder.

Normally, vitamin C is taken in small doses (knife tip). So do not be surprised now, in case of bladder eruption you take 1 flat tablespoon diluted with water. Drink a lot immediately afterwards so that the Vit C arrives quickly in the bladder.

Vitamin C changes the pH of the urine, which then can no longer irritate the inflamed bladder mucosa. This tip is 100% effective. I even had bloody urine because of cystitis, which was gone after taking, or after the first urine after taking.

There are no side effectstoo much Vit C is simply excreted. If the complaints are persistent, you can additionally 2 - 3 x. Take 1 teaspoon of it.

A lot of drinking (2-3 L) is important in case of cystitis anyway. If the symptoms come back: Go to the doctor, give a urine sample, possibly antibiotics necessary.

Understanding Interstitial Cystitis (IC)/Painful Bladder Syndrome (PBS) | April 2024