Detect power failure later during the holiday period

The idea does not come from me, but because it convinces me and fits in this season, I like to share it: How do I recognize after prolonged absence from the site a previous power failure?

In the current changeable weather, power outages are not uncommon. Under certain circumstances, they can last longer, as we have recently discovered: From Friday to Sunday evening, a whole district was suddenly no longer under power; o)

But how do you recognize it retrospectively & why is it important?

For example, if you have a well-stocked freezer:

Depending on the setting and type of construction, some freezers keep the cold constant for at least 24 hours. Often this is enough without the food thawing; In case of prolonged power failure or incorrectly working device often but just not.

If one finds weeks after the holiday that z. B. the frozen vegetables has formed into a solid lump, you can be sure that the freezer has not worked properly and the condensation in the freezer bag later frozen with the goods.

A simple trick immediately creates clarity:

  • You fill a container with water.
  • Once the water is frozen, place a coin on the frozen surface.

Only if the coin is still on the ice, the device works without errors and there was no power failure even during a long absence.

If the coin partially or completely sunk down, one can safely assume that there was a prolonged power outage.

In that case, it is recommended to dispose of delicate foods such as fish, minced meat, etc. from the freezer.

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