Expel mole - 3 tips | TheFruitAndFlowerBasket TV

Since the habitat of the mole, such as natural meadows, has become rarer, it is increasingly found in native gardens again. Not always to the delight of the garden owner. Since the mole likes to dig a lot, it can also damage one or the other plant by digging it out. He is, however, a pure carnivore.

The earth of the molehills, should be collected and used for the rearing of young plants, because this earth is of a very special quality.

The mole is already one of the endangered species. So today I would like to introduce you to 3 pet-friendly ways to move the mole to move.

1. Ultrasonic molehill

The first method is the ultrasonic molehill - this works with solar or with batteries. In addition to the ultrasound, this is amplified by vibration. This confuses the orientation of the mole and he then searches the distance.

However, these ultrasound devices should only be used in consideration of the closely adjacent neighbors, because they often emit a very long, monotonous and therefore disturbing sound, depending on the device.

2. Branches of the Thuje

The second method would be to pick up the branches of the thuje, also called tree of life, at the spring cutting and use them. Because with its smell the mole seeks the distance.

In all the holes found under the molehills, insert a fresh branch about 5 cm deep. Since these holes are used for ventilation of the underground dwelling of the mole and the mole has a very fine nose, he leaves this building voluntarily. If he digs new ventilation ducts, the branches of the thuje are also stuck in these.

3. Thujen broth

From the branches of the Thujen one can make a broth as the third possibility.

In a large pot, the branches come, they are covered about 10 cm with water and boiled for 30 minutes. Strain and bottled. The branches can be boiled 2 times. The second time the broth turns reddish. After cooling, pour this broth undiluted - per mole hole about 250 ml - directly into the hole.

Despite all the trouble, one should not forget that the mole kills a vast number of insects and their larvae and eggs. He eats about every day about the amount of half his weight. He also ensures a ventilation of the soil.

I personally like the Thujenzweigen and Thujen broth applications best. Because they are effective and make no noise.

I hope to have helped with my tips!

Editor's tip:

An ultrasonic molehill in a double pack you get cheap on Amazon "Got molehaw here

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