Great New Year pretzel - recipe and meaning


Preparation time: 20 min.
Cooking or baking time: 30 min.
Total preparation time: 1 hr. 10 min.

There are many ways to start the new year with a special affectionate greeting to the family, friends or colleagues. Probably the tastiest is the New Year's pretzel. It represents a decorative as well as delicious pastry, which is presented with good wishes and luck for the coming months. With the following basic recipe you can simply bake this traditional delicacy.

That's what you need:

As a basis, you should first prepare a conventional yeast dough. Although you can refine it according to your personal wishes, let's take a look at the starting recipe. Since the pretzel eventually becomes relatively large, you have to spend a whole kilogram Flour plan on. Besides you need one cube of yeast, a pint milk, a commercial piece butter from the fridge and about one to two teaspoons each Salt and sugar, For refinement, you also have the option to brush the pretzel with a little egg yolk. Should you have your own ideas for decoration, but of course you can also implement them? is allowed, what you like.

How to do it:

First you warm the milk a bit. Chop the yeast cube, add it, and stir until everything is homogeneous. If you can not do this with the whisk, use a stirrer. The remaining ingredients? the diced butter, the flour as well as salt and sugar? are now also added to the bowl and kneaded with the milk-yeast mixture to a smooth dough. Also for this you are welcome to use the food processor, which should have a dough hook in this case. Once that's done, leave the dough in the bowl, cover with kitchen foil and put it in the fridge for two hours to rest.

The finished pretzel:

From three quarters of the entire dough you now form a role that should be about 30 to 40 inches long. Make sure that it gets a bit thicker in the middle. With a little skill can be made from the pretzel. If that does not work on the first try, try again and again. You can knead the dough again for a short time, form the roll and use it to make the pretzels. The rest of the dough is worked at the very end. This creates year numbers, decorating elements, letters or the like, which are given to the pastry before baking. It makes sense to make small cookie stencils, with which you can easily sting the desired pattern from the dough.

According to your wishes

Then brush the dough with egg yolk to give the pretzel a little golden yellow color. Let it rest for about 15 minutes before pushing it for half an hour into the 190 ° preheated oven. By the way, you can refine the basic recipe according to personal, regional or traditional wishes by adding certain spices, herbs or spirits to the dough. The baking process does not change as a result? only the taste of the pastry can of course be directed in a different direction. So, with what little secrets do you give your New Year's Pretzels a lot of momentum for the coming months?

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