Knee Pain: What to do if your knees hurt?

Knee pain can be harmless or there is a knee problem behind it. What possible causes exist? What can you do yourself? Do not panic. There are many reasons for knee pain. Create a remedy yourself or support a therapy to successfully achieve and maintain pain relief or relief.

The most common knee diseases

Knee problems, such as osteoarthritis, start with creeping pain. The most common causes are sank or splayfoot. Possible is a false statics of the spine, uneven leg lengths or misalignment of the legs.

Deformations of the legs

Not to be overlooked and obvious are pronounced O-leg or X-leg malposition. Already at low Fehlstatik consequences are to be expected:

  • Miniskusschaden
  • cartilage wear
  • arthrosis
  • Housemaid's knee
  • back pain

What can you do?

Without surgery, pronounced malpositions of the knees can not be remedied. For small deviations help:

  • Deposits to compensate for the false statics
  • appropriate shoes to support the treatments
  • Physiotherapy to strengthen the foot muscles and counteract the false static.

Keep in mind that your assistance is necessary by following the physiotherapeutic instructions and performing the exercises on your own.

Shoes have great influence on knee joints

It is important to know that incorrect footwear can cause knee problems.

Poor-fitting shoes and heels cause incorrect statics. That does not mean that you have to do without fashionable shoes. The body balances every day for several hours. However, you should treat your foot muscles with something good. Walk barefoot, or with thick non-slip socks, to balance. While walking without shoes, strengthen your foot and back muscles at the same time by walking on tiptoe.

Pain in the popliteal fossa?

For pain in the popliteal fossa, it must be distinguished whether it is a persistent pain or a moderate pulling. There are many diagnoses for serious illnesses with this complaint. A self-treatment is not recommended.

These are the most causes:

  • Kniegelenkerguss
  • Baker's cyst
  • too short a tendon
  • tendonitis
  • Bonding of the fascia
  • Circulatory disorders
  • arthrosis
  • muscle shortening
  • ligaments overload
  • nerve irritation
  • joint capsule
  • menisci

What can you do?

To rule out diseases, clarify the cause from a doctor.

If muscle shortening, adhesions of the fascia or osteoarthritis are the cause, let yourself be treated by physiotherapists and in addition you yourself become active.

  • Stretch the muscles of the legs and back
  • Gymnastics for more flexibility
  • Massage your legs to loosen the fascia and relax your muscles.

Attention! The inside of the legs must not be massaged because of the veins!

When the kneecap hurts

It happens that the kneecap hurts and can not be stretched. If there is no injury, do not panic. A stuck kneecap is quickly and painlessly solvable.

Check the kneecap:

Lay your leg straight on a pad that is not too soft. Grasp the kneecap with your thumb and forefinger or on both sides with your middle finger. Try to move the patella back and forth on both sides. Not too timid but with feeling.

If nothing moves, physiotherapists help quickly and painlessly.

Pain behind the kneecap

If you feel pain behind the kneecap, a doctor's visit is recommended. This may indicate osteoarthritis of the kneecap, general knee osteoarthritis or other disorders.

Seat of knee pain directly below the kneecap?

Knee pain below the kneecap should be clarified by the doctor. The causes are many.

Possible cause is a too short tendon, which comes from the middle of the thigh and attaches as tendon below the kneecap. If this tendon or the thigh muscles are too short, the mechanical pull on the kneecap is too great and limits mobility.

Another possible cause is a bursitis caused by continuous strain. The task of a bursa is to cushion the tendon, which runs over the bone to balance loads. If the bursa breaks down, it causes inflammation.

An osteoarthritis or knee stiffness is also possible.

What should I do:

Self-treatment is not recommended if the cause is unknown.

A sudden stabbing pain

A momentary shooting pain in the knee joint may be a twist or a wrong occurrence.

You can do that:

A tight bandage wrapped around the knee and temporary immobilization should relieve the pain. If pain persists, ask the doctor.

Attention: Not all ointments should be used under a bandage.


  • refrigeration applications
  • Ice packs (only a short time)
  • ice spray
  • Cold water

If you have a knee injury, consult a doctor to see if there are any more injuries in the joint.

The most common knee pain is caused by osteoarthritis

A persistent pain indicates osteoarthritis. Knee osteoarthritis develops as a result of previous damage in the knee joint due to degradation of the cartilage mass. If the cartilage is no longer present, the pain is triggered by the rubbing of the bones on each other. The hyaline articular cartilage, with its elastic substance, has the task to absorb pressure and to ensure smooth sliding in the joint.

Cartilage has no nerves and no own nutrient supply. So that the cartilage does not degrade, nutrients must be supplied via movement.

This means: Movement forms synovial fluid, which is supplied to the cartilage via diffusion.

This favors a knee osteoarthritis

In general, the first symptoms begin to descend the stairs.

The knee arthrosis is favored by overweight. The belly bulges out and a hollow cross arises, which changes the statics and overall gait pattern. This statics has a negative effect on the knees, hips and back.

What can you do?

Relief in osteoarthritis is the wrong way, worsens the symptoms and accelerates the cartilage degradation.

Help actively to improve the quality of life and freedom from pain.

  • Restore the statics
  • Remove obesity
  • joint-saving gymnastics
  • muscle building
  • swim
  • stretching exercises
  • Heat, like fango packs
  • Cycling without load

In addition to the medical treatment movement exercises are essential.

A proven home remedy for osteoarthritis

Rub the knees with red oil, which is made from St. John's wort. You can buy red oil in the pharmacy, make it yourself or buy it online.

Make red oil yourself: Put St. John's wort in a large mason jar. Fill with oil and close. Leave for six weeks in the sunny windowsill and drain. Finished.

Exercises for knee osteoarthritis

Only exercises without joint strain help to build up the cartilage.

Lying on the back: Run slowly!

  • Put both feet on the ground. The knees are bent. One foot stays in that position while the other foot slips along the floor until the leg is stretched out. Slowly back. Repeat several times and leg change.

Lying on the back: Run slowly!

  • Put both feet on the ground. The knees are bent. Slowly slide both feet along the floor until the legs are stretched out. Slowly back. Repeat several times.

Lying on the back:

  • Cycling in the air with your legs. Avoid a wooden cross.

While sitting:

  • Sit on a table and let your legs dangle. Start slowly, get faster and slow again.
  • With both legs simultaneously and alternately.

In prone position:

  • Angle your legs so that your feet are facing the ceiling. Now you swing easily and loosely with your lower legs.

Finally an elongation:

  • Hold tight and put the right heel on a chair. Try to stretch the leg. Stay in this position for ten seconds.
  • Change leg. Stretch each side three times.

My advice:

Much can be achieved with conservative measures. Misbehaving exercises do more harm than good. Under the guidance of physiotherapists, learn the most effective exercises for you. Buy now THE DR. FEIL STRATEGY - Overcoming arthrosis and joint pain THE DR. FEIL STRATEGY - Overcoming arthrosis and joint pain 19,95 ?

2 Gentle Stretches to Reduce Knee Pain | April 2024