Make grass head yourself

Who does not know them, the grass heads, which you just have to water, and already shoot grass blades as hair.

Children enjoy recreating new hairstyles because the grass keeps growing as long as enough is watered. To fight the boredom of my children, we made the things themselves.

This is how it's done:

  1. For this one needs a nylon sock, in which one fills some lawn seed. Then come two handfuls of garden soil.
  2. Now the socks are knotted as tight as possible and then watered.
  3. The face can be made with foam rubber, buttons, stones ....
  4. Now place the head with the knot down in a water container that is small enough that the grass head is perched on top and the knot lies in the water. So the grass head is well watered.
  5. After a few days, the seed germinates and forms the "hair", which can now be cut into shape as desired. If the toe area of ​​the sock is too dense and the seedlings can not grow out, you can use a pair of very sharp scissors to cut small holes in the fabric. Then there are very interesting effects. Even a "Iroquois" cut is possible.

We made yesterday. Now I'm curious what the finished head will look like. Anyway, my kids are excited!

How to Make a Grass Head | May 2024