Mayo remains firmly in the salad despite pickled cucumbers

When making salads with mayo, which include gherkins (for example, homemade meat salad), there was always the problem with me that the mayo no longer became solid the next day but became "liquid".
That's when I came up with an idea: if I make cucumber salad, halve the cucumber and remove the seeds with a spoon.

Since such a thing is not possible with the small gherkins, I simply cut the exterior of the gherkins with a knife and diced them into the salad. Lo and behold, the Mayo has remained firm.

And as for the "cucumber leftovers": they were "disposed of" in my stomach. For who does not join in, while he makes cucumber cubes, the same also to "nibble"?

HSN | Kitchen Solutions 05.02.2017 - 06 PM | April 2024