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Constantly animal hair on the overgardine
October 2024

Constantly animal hair on the overgardine

This tip is certainly only for pet owners, who are also no "curtain haters", and who do not like to have constantly pet hair on the curtains. Our dog has dark brown fur and hair hard though we...

Help in the shelter
October 2024

Help in the shelter

You have time? You want to do something good? Then try it: there are animal shelters almost everywhere and if you have time and want to make the animals a joy, then just dare, go there and ask if you...

Animals at high temperatures do something good
October 2024

Animals at high temperatures do something good

Of course, not only do we sweat people at these temperatures, but the animals suffer as well. But the animals can not just take a quick shower or take a bath, nor can they just take off their coat....

Relieving the joints in dogs and cats
October 2024

Relieving the joints in dogs and cats

Dogs and cats should be provided with a jump aid that helps to relieve the joints. Our dog has just turned 13, is still fit, but lately he's been dealing with his shoulder joints. A few weeks ago,...

Caring for and protecting dogs and cats with coconut oil
October 2024

Caring for and protecting dogs and cats with coconut oil

After the use of coconut oil in the kitchen had aroused my interest and I had read something into the versatile possibilities of use, I also found the following good tip: Coconut oil against vermin...

Ice cube treats for animals
October 2024

Ice cube treats for animals

These ice cube treats are a great cooling off for animals on hot days. Even animals, like us humans, sometimes need a little cooling in the summer. We then get us a cold drink or an ice cream, so I...

For pet owners who live alone - leaflet in the bag
October 2024

For pet owners who live alone - leaflet in the bag

An important issue for all pet owners who live alone, what happens to my pet when something happens to me? Not only older people have the animals often live alone, even young people do that....

Acquiring Pets - Rethinking Costs & Responsibilities
October 2024

Acquiring Pets - Rethinking Costs & Responsibilities

In many families, a pet is high on the wish list. On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with it. In some cases, the purchase of a dog, cat, or other animal is premature because the kittens are so...

Caring for pets when neighbors are in need
October 2024

Caring for pets when neighbors are in need

Animal Sitter become when neighbors are in need: Lately, there has been a lot of writing about the meaning and benefits of keeping pets. Many would like one, others have a landlord who does not want...

Find runaway pets faster - for free
October 2024

Find runaway pets faster - for free

Happens very fast, the sweet babe escapes through the window and the beloved dog gets lost on a walk. Both can not be found after a long search. Desperate family and want to know their darlings as...